Funding list
Bogue Fellowship (2024): Awarded approximately £4,000, this prestigious fellowship granted me the incredible opportunity to learn from Professor Michael Davis of Oklahoma State University. The revised program involved a 17-day intensive course in Alaska, focusing on the "Exercise Physiology of the Working Canine." This immersive experience culminated in attendance at the Alaska Yukon Quest, where I would contribute veterinary expertise by conducting pre-race, mid-race, and post-race health checks on the participating sled dogs. While the fellowship originally included sample collection during the planned 550-mile race (which was subsequently cancelled), the revised program ensured I gained invaluable knowledge and practical skills in canine exercise physiology and endurance races.
Great Ormond Street Hospital Biomedical Research Centre Junior Faculty Conference and Training Support Fund (2024): £250 to attend the Summer school in bioinformatics in Cambridge.
Maria Bitner-Glindzicz Training Conference Award (2023): £300 to attend the bespoke Introduction to Skyline & Advanced Small Molecules Topics course, which equipped me with a range of targeted techniques for data analysis; from setting up the mass spectrometer to pre-processing and data analysis for metabolomics.
Great Ormond Street Hospital Biomedical Research Centre Academic Training Weekend (2022): Awarded funds covering travel and accommodation for this bespoke training and networking event.
BBSRC-funded PhD studentship on the London Interdisciplinary Doctoral (LIDo) Programme (2020-2024): approximately £150,000, which included a higher stipend than the London UKRI rate in recognition of my veterinary qualification, in addition to university fees and consumables.
Jean Golding Institute Seed Corn Funding Project (2021): This grant enabled me to leverage machine learning expertise by outsourcing the analysis of accelerometer data from my feline degenerative joint disease study.
Alumni Foundation Travel Grant (2018, 2019): £500 to attend the London Vet Show
Zoetis feline scholarship (2018-2020): approximately £54,000, which included university fees, a tax-free stipend and MSc consumables.
Alumni Foundation Travel Grant (2016): £500 to attend the British Small Animal Veterinary Association Congress, and £750 to attend the Summer School of Veterinary Endocrinology in Bologna, Italy.
Langford Vets Clinical Research Fund (2016): £1,500 to expand data collection for my calcitonin study